2023 Fall GAPNA Newsletter Volume 42 Number 3

GAPNA Chapter Records

By Cynthia J. Gerstenlauer

An organization’s records have enduring historical value, not only for its members, but for the greater community at large. GAPNA’s archived records housed in The Eleanor Crowder Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry located on the University of Virginia’s campus in Charlottesville, VA, preserves the rich history of several professional organizations, including GAPNA.

The center is dedicated to the preservation and study of nursing history. Our collection is readily available to anyone interested in learning about the creation and sustainment of an organization committed to providing quality care to older adults, as well as providing vast evidence of the clinical and professional evolution of advanced practice nursing. Part of GAPNA’s collection is devoted to chapter records.

Chapter records are just as essential to preserve. Chapter records can document what is happening locally/regionally related to legislation, grassroots efforts to change practice, volunteer efforts, conferences, etc. Records can help write the annual report and newsletter articles in the current realm. Annual reports and newsletter articles are among those records archived by GAPNA.

Chapter records can also help summarize materials for celebrations of Chapter milestones, or you may even want to write a monograph of your history one day. Chapter records can be archived once the records are 10 years old.

The Historical Committee requests that every chapter assign a chapter historian to keep track of the chapter’s records. This responsibility could also be assigned to the chapter secretary if the records are transferred to the new secretary each time. Records can be kept chronologically in a 3-ring binder or manila folders, organized by subject, then in chronologically.

Chapters are requested to keep letters of incorporation, member lists, reports, bylaws, meeting minutes, brochures and newsletters, and audiovisuals describing people and events.

If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to contact me at cgerstenlauer@comcast.net. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Cynthia J. Gerstenlauer, ANP-BC GNCS-BC

GAPNA Chapters