Help GAPNA Tidy Up!

GAPNA is planning a redesign of its website! We want to make it easy to find what you need on the new website—so we want your help! We’ve prepared a quick, online sorting exercise so you can show us how you want GAPNA’s Website content organized. Your input will help us design a user-friendly website.

Winter 2019 GAPNA Newsletter is Online Now!

The GAPNA Newsletter - Winter 2019, Volume 38, Number 4, is now online! Enjoy a "Change the World," message from the newly installed GAPNA President Deborah Dunn! Other articles include Educators Lauded, a New Study Guide, Rising Star (who do you think it is?), a the upcoming 2020 Parma Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, a Historical Member Spotlight, Committee, SIG and Chapter News, and so much more!