GAPNA Announces a Brand NEW Excellence Award

The (NEW) Emerging Chapter Excellence Award (NEW) honors a chapter that is smaller, newer, or revitalizing that best promotes the goals of the Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA) through its member relationships, professional activities, and promotion of advanced practice gerontological nursing throughout the local, regional, and/or state during the past year. The winning chapter will be awarded $250.00. Apply by June 1!

Gerontology Resources for APRN Preceptors and Students Toolkit

The UPDATED 6th Edition Gerontology Resources for APRN Preceptors and Students toolkit is online now! The goal of this toolkit is to make geriatric and gerontological content accessible to those caring for older adults. It is designed with advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) students, preceptors, and educators in mind, and it provides a single portal to comprehensive resources.

FREE CE to Members: CPO Toolkit - Home Health Care: The NP Role

This presentation provides information related to Medicare Certified Home Health regarding how outdated wording from the 1965 Medicare Act prevents Nurse Practitioners from ordering and certifying Medicare Home Health services. At the conclusion of this activity, the learner will be able to determine which patients qualify and list who may bill for Medicare Care Plan Oversight billing and be able to demonstrate how to appropriately bill for Medicare Home Health Patients. Free to members, $20 for non members, includes .45 CH.