Award Application Period

The GAPNA Foundation’s mission is to promote research, scholarship, and education for advanced practice nurses serving older adults. The Foundation is proud to announce the following seven grant awards for 2025. Successful applications will be awarded at the GAPNA Annual Meeting.

Research/Project Grant Awards Available:

Eligibility Requirements

  • Awardees must be GAPNA members. Non-members may submit applications, but if the proposal is selected for funding, the applicant must join GAPNA within 30 days of notification of application acceptance.
  • Applicants may submit to one grant category only. Select the grant award from the list above that most closely matches the intent of your work. Depending on the number and types of proposals received, the Foundation reserves the right to combine and reassign grant awards to facilitate awarding the entire amount of available funds for proposals meeting award criteria.
  • Complete applications must be submitted by May 15, 2025. Incomplete applications will not be considered.


Grant Requirements

  • Grant funds must be used strictly for expenses related to the proposed research/project. Tuition expenses are not permitted.
  • Mid-year and final progress reports are required.


Proposal Requirements

The proposal must be relevant to advanced practice nursing care of older adults and:

  • Evidence-based: examines and/or provides support for decision making in clinical practice, and
  • Outcomes-based: designed to measure and improve health outcomes for older adults.


Review Criteria

The reviewers will evaluate the application using the following criteria:

  • Overall impact
  • Significance/rationale
  • Innovation
  • Approach/Methodology (see proposal below)
  • Environment

Application Checklist

  • CV, resume or NIH Biosketch
  • Brief bio – two to three sentences and a headshot photo to be used to disseminate grant results. Submission of this material implies permission to use it for publicity purposes.
  • Proposal – 750 words maximum (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font, one-inch margins), including the Background, Purpose, Specific Aims, Methods, and Evaluation/Analyses Plan (References and Appendixes (include data collection tools if applicable) not included in word count)
  • Budget and brief justifications-not to exceed 1 page
    • Allowable expenses are personnel, transcription costs, research assistant salary, consultants/honoraria, supplies, equipment, computer software, travel expenses for data collection, GAPNA conference attendance ($300 limit), or other (e.g. printing, translators, study participant incentives). Institutional indirect costs of 8% may now be included in the budget, if needed.
  • Appendixes should include references, data collections tools (if appropriate), timeline and other information that supports or clarifies information in your proposal.  Do NOT include a copy of your dissertation or DNP proposal written for your academic program.

2024 GAPNA Foundation applications are closed.