Preserve the Past • Enhance the Present • Secure the Future

As GAPNA marks its 40th year, we want to share with you the projects we’re working on to support gerontological advanced practice nurses like you and build a better future for our patients.
GAPNA’s anniversary theme “Preserve the Past, Enhance the Present, and Secure the Future,” reflects our shared vision. The following are a few examples of our campaigns, so please read on and learn how you can help. 

How GAPNA is Preserving the Past…

The Historical Committee of GAPNA submitted GAPNA’s historical documents for archiving at the Eleanor Crowder Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry on April 16, 2014, and is currently making preparations to submit additional records for archiving. 

Support the Historical Committee in their archiving efforts at the University of Virginia School of Nursing’s Eleanor Crowder Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry.

How GAPNA is Enhancing the Present…

The goals of the GAPNA are to advocate quality care for older adults, to promote professional development, to provide continuing gerontological education, and to enhance communication and professional collaboration among health care providers. 

In addition, we are committed to full practice authority in all 50 states and our U.S. Territories and will continue to support all initiatives to get us there. Currently 24 states and the District of Columbia offer full practice authority, and Massachusetts was added January 1, 2021. 

To support our mission, we will continue to endorse the APRN Gerontological Specialist Certification (GS-C) and Gerontology Nursing Certification Commission (GNCC) as they continue their efforts to validate the expertise in gerontology. 

How GAPNA Plans to Secure the Future…

The growing population of older adults with complex health care needs demands that organizations like GAPNA prepare a pipeline of leaders. Therefore, it is imperative to identify future leaders who are eager to take up the task of visioning, leading, and sustaining organizations across sectors to promote and enhance the health care of older adults. 
The GAPNA Leadership Institute was developed to give GAPNA members the opportunity to learn, develop, and refine leadership and communication skills, to receive mentorship from current or past GAPNA leaders, and to work collaboratively with peers. 

These are just a few of the ways GAPNA is working to ‘Preserve the Past, Enhance the Present, and Secure the Future.’

Please join us by donating to support the initiatives above, and a better future for all!

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