GAPNA Reaffirms Support for AANP and Highlights the Role of Nurse Practitioners in Geriatric Care

PITMAN, NJ – The Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA) wishes to address a recent article published by Bloomberg regarding the training of nurse practitioners. GAPNA reaffirms its support for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP).

GAPNA aligns with AANP’s mission to empower all nurse practitioners (NPs) to advance quality health care through practice, education, advocacy, research, and leadership. GAPNA believes in the strength of our collaborative efforts to promote the well-being of patients and the nursing profession.

Dr. Kimberly R. Posey, Secretary of GAPNA, stated, “We encourage continued support for nurse practitioners and recognition of their invaluable contributions to health care, particularly in the field of geriatrics.”

“At GAPNA, we are committed to advancing the role of NPs in geriatric care and advocating for policies that allow NPs to practice to the full extent of their education and training,” said Posey.

“This will allow NPs further to enhance the quality of care for older adults and ensure they receive the comprehensive and specialized attention they deserve.”

GAPNA continues to stand by its commitment to advocate for the needs of older adults and the professionals who care for them. We support initiatives that enhance the quality of health care and strive to work with our partners, including AANP, to achieve these goals.

Dr. Jennifer L. Kim, Immediate Past President of GAPNA, added, “The growth in the number of nurse practitioners caring for older adults is a response to the diminishing supply of geriatricians. Research overwhelmingly shows that APRNs across clinical settings provide high-quality care for older adults as evidenced by a reduction in unnecessary hospitalizations and emergency room visits and improvements in geriatric syndromes such as polypharmacy and falls.”

Across a variety of settings and diagnoses, research evidence from the past three decades has overwhelmingly shown that APRNs provide safe, high-quality care for older adults. Systematic reviews have shown that APRNs in LTC facilities reduce unnecessary hospitalizations and emergency room visits, improve quality of care, and improve resident and family satisfaction.

GAPNA takes this opportunity to address the attribution of a quote to Dr. Ann Kriebel-Gasparro, President of GAPNA, in the recent Bloomberg article. The statement was not an accurate depiction of Dr. Kriebel-Gasparro’s interview with the reporter, as her words were misquoted and taken out of context. GAPNA remains committed to maintaining clear and accurate communication and regrets any misunderstandings that may have resulted from this article.

Media Contact
Rebecca Klavens
Communications & Media Relations Manager
(856) 256-2330

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