In order to continue to provide high-quality, valuable benefits to members, GAPNA will be increasing membership fees effective January 1, 2023.

The GAPNA Board of Directors understands the importance of offering affordable programs and services to members and is constantly evaluating how we can deliver your return on your investment.

  • Over the past 10 years, your dues were invested in new and exciting changes designed to enhance your membership experience:
  • Introduction of the spring Contemporary Pharmacology & Prescribing in Older Adult Conference
  • The GAPNA Online Library with free bi-monthly contact hours for members
  • Networking opportunities through the GAPNA Exchange: Online Community Forum
  • Opportunities for growth and development with the GAPNA Leadership Institute
  • Improvements to GAPNA communication with a new GAPNA website, redesigned monthly EAlerts, and an increased social media presence.

If you renew your dues prior to January 1, 2023, GAPNA will honor existing rates, including multi-year memberships.

Membership Rates (effective January 1 , 2023)

Regular Membership

  • 1 year - $125
  • 2 year - $240
  • 3 year - $360

Associate Membership (Healthcare professional interested in gerontology)

  • 1 year - $125
  • 2 year - $240
  • 3 year - $360

Retired Membership (Active member for 5 years and reached the age of 65+. Proof required)

  • 1-year - $95

Student Membership (Full-time nursing student. Student memberships do not exceed 3 years. Proof required)

  • 1-year - $95

Thank you for your continued support of GAPNA. We value you and your commitment to the practice of gerontology and look forward to enhancing your everyday practice.

Natalie R. Baker

Natalie R. Baker, DNP, CRNP, GS-C, CNE, FAANP, FAAN
GAPNA President 2021 – 2022

Discover the benefits of GAPNA membership.

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